I hate you.

You ruin everything. I really just wish you would get out of my head. You spend all my money and you contradict everything I say or do.

You are fucked up!

I'm sure everyone thinks that I'm crazy by now, They have no idea what I'm going through. It's difficult to explain.

I'm tired of caring. I'm tired of feeling. I'm so fucking tired of giving a damn.

I just want to die.

Or to at least cut again. I miss it. I almost long for the cold tinges of pain. Nothing else satisfies. Nothing else ever comes close. I've never been so elated in my life.

You never identified yourself to me. I am unaware of your name. For my sake, I will call you 'V', because you are the Voice.


You've been with me my entire life, sending me in and out of hallucinations and lucid dreams like it's your favorite pastime. You stretch me thin, I have very little patience to put up with you AND everyone else. By doing so, you make me the bad guy. You make me the bitch.

You'[re always telling me to fight and to argue. You're always upsetting me and making me hold onto things too long.

You made them diagnose me with borderline schizophrenia/ bipolar type 2/ anxiety disorder. Such a long title doesn't fit, it's just you, V.

You did all my thinking today. You took over my body and controlled me. I can feel you getting stronger. You've been doing a toll on me, but especially on my well-being. You make me want to end myself just so I don't have to hear your whispers anymore. You're getting so loud, you're just screaming all the time. It makes it really hard to focus on anything but you.

You demand my attention. I don't have a choice but to feed your appetite for aggression and self-destruction. I'm right on the path you want me to be.

I don't know why you chose me...




Current Favorite Quote
"Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live"