((First experiance))
Work is going well. I actually managed to find a job that I enjoy, love even. I have so much fun joking around with my co-workers, it makes the time pass so quickly sometimes.

Shan is trying to set me up with a friend of his, Mac, who happens to work at the same place I do. I'm highly interested, but there's always that feeling of 'it'll be the same as last time, and the time before, and so on..' I guess I'll see where this goes. I have to ask Shan for Mac's number, because we have complete opposite shifts and I never see him there -or I'd ask myself!. I can't help feeling silly though. This is too close to the 'check yes or no' stage that everyone goes through in their youth. Ah well. I asked Shan to make sure it was okay with Mac first before he gave me his number, because I certainly wouldn't want anyone to do that to me.

In other news, a fellow RA at my work injured one of the residents. I was so upset with him, because she's such a sweetheart and he was absolutely careless to do what he did. For some reason, he thought he'd try to lift her up in bed on his own and caught her arm on one of the screws in the bad of the hospital bed and ripped her arm open. She was sent out to ER immediately, and she came back when I was in mid-shift and I helped put her back into bed and made sure she was comfortable. I felt terrible for her. God.

That same night, later on, I was doing a bed change in room 116, and I heard a loud pounding sound. I immediately knew that something was wrong, dropped what I was doing, and ran down as quick as I could when I started hearing someone screaming for help. When I got into the room, I saw the resident lying on the floor with his head bleeding, but still conscious. I called up a Med, and we lifted him up onto the toilet so we could examine the damage. Jeff was helping me out with holding him up, but them left for a while to run and get the first aid cart. He suggested the resident go to the ER, but he refused, so all we could do was bandage him and put him back to bed because he was dizzy.

I just wish I could help more. I feel as if I can never do enough. You know what I mean?




Current Favorite Quote
"Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live"