I'm. So. Sick.

I've been hacking up my lungs, and I've been on the verge of losing my voice all day today. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have a splitting headache to go along with it. Ugh. I hope the meds I just took start to work soon.

In other news, tomorrow is my first day of work at the new job. Yes, I got the job! I'll be working at an assisted living community, doing a lot of helping the residents get from place to place and cleaning as well as general maintenance. I'm so thrilled.

I ran into Teela today, who said that she was also going through the hiring process. As if that wasn't odd enough, she mentioned that Nikki might be too. That would be a definite problem with me. I can't stand that girl, and I doubt I'd be able to work during the same shift without being snide towards her. I really can't even stand the thought.

Well, they want me to do knock shifts, which is 10pm-6am. That works pretty perfectly around my sleep schedule, so I'm rather looking forward to that. I wouldn't have to deal with any meals or assisting, it would just be a lot of cleaning. Fine with me, as long as I'm out of my current job!

The 21st is my last day at my current job. Super happy about that, though I will miss a few people.

Also, my bday is on the 18th. I'll be 20. How cool is that? I'll probably be working right through it, but I'm still excited.




Current Favorite Quote
"Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live"