Dear god, the pressure inside me is killing me.

I just want to feel alright. I just want to be okay.

I've had this fucking sinus infection for what seems like my entire life, and it's getting bad again. I'm so angry that the medication didn't work when I last went to the Dr., and of course I can't go again til I have more money/a better job.

Man, being responsible sucks. I miss being able to be on my mom's insurance and having everything taken care of. I don't like this aging process, it's not doing me well. The older I get, the less I am able to put up with others around me and the more I act out.

In other news, my dad and I aren't getting along at all anymore. He got so impatient with waiting for a ride to the store that he stomped home and kicked my sister out and told her she needed to find another place.

No, you don't get it.. if my sister moves away, so will my reserve of sanity that may be left. Even though she lives in the apartment next to us and not actually with us, it's still better then being left home alone with my dad.

I have a father who doesn't remember my name most of the time because of how much weed he smokes in an average day- he's permafried. I absolutely hate having to come home to him everyday. Sometimes I close my eyes and make a wish under my breath that he will just disappear.. but lo and behold, it never works.

I'm not sure how someone can literally watch 19 hours of TV a day and only move to get something to eat. That's his ENTIRE life! It's insane. I refuse to ever live like that.. which is why I never watch TV.

Fucking disgusting habit. I'm way more of a parent

I want someone who doesn't watch TV, but who will curl up with a movie and let me cuddle with them. I want someone who'd rather go for a roadtrip then sit on the couch all day. I want someone who understands all my quirks, and doesn't question me.

The only way I can stand to live is to dampen out all other sounds with my headphones and blasting away Dr. Steel. I don't want to have to hide all the time, anymore.




Current Favorite Quote
"Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live"