((One of Those Girls))
I am one of those people who's always either just the friend or just the potential fuckbuddy, nothing more.

I lost a great friend of mine, because he backed me into a corner with the choice of sleeping with him or not while he had a girlfriend, and I began to feel very threatened. I told him off, and in response, he decided that he didn't need my friendship if he wasn't going to benefit from it. Now, he's telling people that letting go of me is like 'being freed of the shackles'. He made it seem like I was imprisoning him, and for what!?

...Teenage boys.. -sigh-

There's a reason I date people 5-11 years older then me. I really can't deal with the mindset, the idea that if they don't get sex from everyone they want they'll cease to exist.. something like that.

I guess it was a good time for me to stand up to myself against him, because it was getting to the point where he would be talking about his girlfriend, and then say "You know I wouldn't tell anyone"(referring to me) in the same sentence, and it was getting a bit creepy.

I just wish that people weren't so sex-driven. I'm tired of having to explain my morals to people, because they tend to debate it with me.

Here's my morals, plain and easy to read; when I'm not in a relationship, I'm abstinent, when I'm in a relationship, I'm monogamous.

It's not hard to understand. I'm not a sexual person, I don't live for sex. I am all about the small things in a relationship or otherwise. Hand-holding, kissing, and cuddling make me feel so warm.

I wish that men were more creative with how they woo a woman. I'm serious, it's a problem. "Nice shoes, wanna fuck" doesn't exactly work anymore. I want to feel wanted in a relationship or potential match.

I'm a total romantic, so it's pretty easy to please me. Just be creative, please?




Current Favorite Quote
"Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live"